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This article is the second part of a blog introducing Lattice Structure Homogenization. In the first part, we introduced the homogenization of lattice structures as elastic bodies. In the second part, we will introduce the homogenization of channels created by lattice structures, including the homogenization process through numerical experiments and visualization of the homogenization results.


Kunitaka Shintani

2024,04,26 2024,04,26


(1) Homogenization of lattice structure


Have you ever done an analysis on a lattice structure? Lattice structures tend to be difficult to mesh and computationally expensive. Homogenization is an effective way to reduce the analysis cost of lattice structures. This article introduces homogenization to elastic matrices by numerical experiments and visualization of the homogenized elastic matrices.


Kunitaka Shintani

2024,04,19 2024,04,19


Let's think about optimization settings.

皆さんは Grasshopper で最適化をしたことがありますか?特に Tunny をつかって最適化をしたことがありますか? その時にうまく最適化できないなと思ったことはないでしょうか。 Tunny が採用しているブラックボックス最適化と呼ばれる部類の最適化は感度を使用した最適化(例えば位相最適化)に対して収束が遅いため、適切な最適化設定でなかったり、対象の問題が適切でないと、ランダムより少し良い結果が得られる程度のものになってしまいます。 今回は Tunny を使って、最適化設定の違いによる結果の違いを見ていきましょう。

Have you ever performed optimization in Grasshopper? Specifically, have you used Tunny for optimization? During that time, did you ever feel that the optimization was not working well? The category of optimization called black-box optimization, which Tunny uses, has slower convergence compared to sensitivity-based optimization (such as topology optimization). If the settings are not properly configured or the problem is not suitable, the result may end up being just slightly better than random. In this article, let's look at the optimization results using Tunny with different settings.


Hiroaki Natsume

2024,04,05 2024,04,05


Structural Dynamics in a Walking Tour 2


This is the second installment of our project to think about structural mechanics while taking a walk. This time, while walking around Japanese towers, we will explain the mechanics and structural devices behind the towers and ponder the greatness of our predecessors. After reading this, you should be able to see the framework of the tower through the tower.


Kazuki Suzuki

2024,02,22 2024,02,22


Bistable hinge caps


Most of the hinge caps used in condiments and cosmetics have an open/close mechanism achieved by bistability. This article introduces bistable hinge caps from a mechanical point of view.


Satoshi Yamamura

2023,12,22 2023,12,22


Let's use ChatGPT with Rhino 🦏.

ChatGPTを皆さん使っていますでしょうか。 いろいろな使い方やアップデートが定期的にネットを騒がせていますが、RhinoやGrasshopperはあまり関係ないと考えているかもしれません。 必ずしも安定して動作するとは言えませんが既にChatGPTを使ってRhinoやGHを操作するプラグインが公開されています。 身近なソフトでどう動いているか確認すると、ChatGPTがより身近に感じられると思います。 既存のプラグインの実装を確認して、それらがどう動くか見てみましょう。

Is everyone using ChatGPT? Various uses and updates are making the rounds on the Internet on a regular basis, but you may not think that Rhino and Grasshopper have much to do with it. There are already plug-ins available that use ChatGPT to control Rhino and GH, though not necessarily in a stable manner. If you check how it works with your familiar software, you will feel more familiar with ChatGPT. Let's check the implementation of existing plug-ins and see how they work.


Hiroaki Natsume

2023,12,08 2023,12,08