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Let's use ChatGPT with Rhino 🦏.

ChatGPTを皆さん使っていますでしょうか。 いろいろな使い方やアップデートが定期的にネットを騒がせていますが、RhinoやGrasshopperはあまり関係ないと考えているかもしれません。 必ずしも安定して動作するとは言えませんが既にChatGPTを使ってRhinoやGHを操作するプラグインが公開されています。 身近なソフトでどう動いているか確認すると、ChatGPTがより身近に感じられると思います。 既存のプラグインの実装を確認して、それらがどう動くか見てみましょう。

Is everyone using ChatGPT? Various uses and updates are making the rounds on the Internet on a regular basis, but you may not think that Rhino and Grasshopper have much to do with it. There are already plug-ins available that use ChatGPT to control Rhino and GH, though not necessarily in a stable manner. If you check how it works with your familiar software, you will feel more familiar with ChatGPT. Let's check the implementation of existing plug-ins and see how they work.


Hiroaki Natsume

2023,12,08 2023,12,08


Heat Sink Design Case Study by Thermal Fluid Topology Optimization


Our company develops various products by utilizing shape processing technology, functional calculation technology, and design technology. In this article, we present a case study of a heat sink design that was designed by interweaving thermal fluid topology optimization and human knowledge.


Kunitaka Shintani

2023,11,27 2023,11,27


Structural Dynamics in a Stroll


This is a travelogue in which our structural engineer takes four bridges in Tokyo as examples and explains their structures as he travels around the city. The scenery you usually see may look a little different. Please enjoy the idyllic atmosphere.


Kazuki Suzuki

2023,11,09 2023,11,09
設計事例:折りたたみハンガーの一体化③  コスト削減の効果確認

設計事例:折りたたみハンガーの一体化③ コスト削減の効果確認

Design Case Study: Monolithic Folding Hanger - Part 3: Verify effectiveness of cost reductions.


For folding hangers designed by applying compliant mechanism, we will confirm the cost reduction effect by compacting parts.

中田 公明

Kimiaki Nakata

2023,09,22 2023,09,22


Black-box optimization of geometry and functionality by integrating Optuna and 3D CAD

この記事では、Optunaの3D CADラッパーであるTunnyを紹介します。まず、Tunnyが動作する3D CADソフトウェアであるRhinocerosの紹介から始めます。 次に、Tunnyをどのように実装したかを簡単に説明します。最後に、CAEと連携した自動車のフロントバンパーの衝突安全設計や、花瓶の形状や建築の柱配置のHuman-in-the-Loop最適化など、Tunnyを使った設計事例をご紹介します。

This article introduces Tunny, Optuna's 3D CAD wrapper. We will start with an introduction of Rhinoceros, a 3D CAD software on which Tunny runs. Then, I will provide a brief overview of how I implemented Tunny. Finally, I will walk you through some design examples using Tunny, including crash safety design of a car front bumper in connection with CAE, and Human-in-the-loop optimization of vase shapes and architectural column placement.


Hiroaki Natsume

2023,09,20 2023,09,20
設計事例:折りたたみハンガーの一体化① コンプライアントメカニズムの設計

設計事例:折りたたみハンガーの一体化① コンプライアントメカニズムの設計

Design Case Study: Monolithic Folding Hanger - Part 1: Design of the Compliant Mechanism.


As an example of integrating multiple components using compliant mechanisms, we will introduce the design of a folding hanger.


Yohei Oka

2023,08,04 2023,08,04


Exhibited at "Automotive Engineering Exposition NAGOYA"


We exhibited as a startup at the Automotive Engineering Exposition Nagoya and had a great time discussing with many visitors. We are grateful to all those who were interested in our technology and vision. In our exhibit, we presented design technologies and case studies of shock absorption, thermal, and vibration/stiffness. As we interacted with visitors, we saw the potential to solve important problems in the manufacturing industry. We look forward to your continued support and anticipation.

Nature Architects

Nature Architects

2023,07,20 2023,07,20