【Rhino+Grasshopperを理解して魔改造しよう】 ①Rhinocerosとは?
Understanding and Custmizing Rhinoceros+Grasshopper ①Understanding Rhinoceros
弊社では、独自の構造設計の高度化に向けて社内のソフトウェア環境を構築し続けています。 ソフトウェア環境の構成要素は多岐にわたりますが、その一つとして自由に拡張可能な形状処理-数値解析環境を構築するため、3DCADであるRhinocerosとそのプラグインであるGrasshopperを拡張して広く利用しています。 本記事では、Grasshopperのプラグインを開発して使っていくために重要だが言及されることの少ない部分を主として書いていければと考えています。 Rhino+Grasshopperに学生時代にハマって以来気づいたらこんな仕事をしている私としては、多くの方が触り始める手助けになれれば幸いです。
We continue to build our in-house software environment to advance our own structural design. The components of the software environment include a wide range of commercial software and in-house FEM solvers, etc. One of these is Rhinoceros, a 3D CAD system, and its plug-in Grasshopper, which we have extended and widely We are using Rhinoceros 3D CAD and its plug-in Grasshopper extensively. There are various excellent tutorials, videos, blogs, etc., including official ones, so please refer to them for the basics. I hope to write mainly about important but rarely mentioned aspects of Grasshopper in order to extend and use Grasshopper by yourself. Those who are interested in Rhinoceros+Grasshopper 2. those who want to deepen their understanding of the internal processing of Rhinoceros+Grasshopper 3. those who want to extend Rhinoceros+Grasshopper for their own work, research, hobby, etc. 4. those who want to design and play with metamaterials. Those who want to design and play with metamaterials.

Kotaro Tanimichi
2023,03,23 2023,03,23