Heat Control

We design components related to heat, such as heat dissipation and heat exchange, taking into account manufacturing constraints.
提供価値 Our Value
- 高品質な放熱/熱交換の設計 ①High-quality Heat Dissipation/Heat Exchange Design
放熱の均一化、効率化などの熱特性を向上させる最適設計を量産性を考慮して行います。We take mass production feasibility into account while designing for optimal heat performance, such as homogenizing and improving heat dissipation efficiency.
- 圧力損失低減・省電力化 ②Reduced Pressure Loss and Power Saving
熱特性を考慮した上で圧力損失を低減し省電力化を実現します。We achieve power-saving measures by reducing pressure loss while considering thermal characteristics.
- 開発期間短縮 ③Reduce Development Lead Time
最適化技術を活用し設計を効率化することで部材の高品質化と開発期間の短縮を両立します。We utilize optimization technologies to make the design process more efficient, achieving both high-quality components and a shortened development period.
適用部材 Potential Application

設計事例:冷却プレート Case Studies : Cooling Plate
概要 Overview

We have achieved an optimal design that homogenizes uneven cooling and improves heat dissipation performance.
設計手法 Approach

We redesign a shape suitable for mass production by extracting important parameters from shapes generated by phase optimization.
©Nature Architects Inc.,