Deformation Control
We develop shock absorption, lightweighting, and parts consolidation, taking into account manufacturing constraints.
提供価値 Our Value
- ①軽量化 ①Reduce Weight
凹凸や穴あけなどの幾何形状を最適設計することで大幅な軽量化を実現します。We achieve significant weight reduction by designing optimal geometric shapes such as perforation or corrugation.
- ②部材一体化 ②Parts consolidation
製品の組み立てを削減し軽量化や製造コストの低減を実現します。We reduce product assembly, achieving lightweighting and reduction in manufacturing costs.
- ③衝撃吸収性能の向上 ③Improve Energy Absorption Performance
変形時の座屈を制御することで衝撃吸収性能を向上させます。また、軽量化と衝撃吸収性能の2つを考慮した高品質な衝撃吸収部材を設計します。We improve shock absorption performance by controlling buckling during deformation. We also design high-quality energy absorbing components that consider both weight and energy absorption performance.
- ④開発期間短縮 ④Reduce Development Lead Time
衝撃吸収部材などの要件が複雑かつ高度な設計を最適化の技術によって効率化し開発期間を短縮します。We streamline the design of complex and advanced requirements such as shock-absorbing components by optimizing technology, shortening the development period.
- ⑤材料代替によるコスト削減・環境負荷低減 ⑤Cost Reduction and Environmental Load Reduction by Material Substitution
金属部品の樹脂化やアルミ化をはじめとした材料代替設計を行います。軽量化やコスト削減だけではなく環境負荷を低減する材料代替も行います。We specialize in material substitution design, which includes replacing metal parts with plastic and aluminum alternatives. Through this process, we not only achieve a reduction in weight and cost, but also contribute to environmental sustainability by lowering the burden on the environment.
適応可能部材 Applications

設計事例①:バンパ芯材 Case Studies①:Bumper
概要 Overview

We have successfully designed an optimal core structure that achieves a balance between pedestrian protection and minor collision safety. We achieve this property by designing cell geometry to precisely meet the load-displacement curve required for impact absorption. In this case, we have utilized commodity plastics as the core material, which could contribute sustainability and reduction of manufacturing costs.
設計手法 Approach

In the initial design stage, we rapidly implement design and analysis feedback on unit structures to explore the preliminary geometry. Subsequently, we embed the appropriate unit structure into the target component and optimize its shape. This process has enabled us to successfully achieve a balance between pedestrian protection and minor collision safety.
設計事例②:ブラケット Case Studies②:Blacket
概要 Overview

We have consolidated the number of parts from three to one and reduced the weight while maintaining its stiffness.
©Nature Architects Inc.,